Optional Hajj
Optional Hajj
It is recommended to perform an obligatory pilgrimage, if it were possible, even if one does not have the required means or has already performed the Hijjatul Islam. It is recommended to do so each year for those who can afford it.
It is recommended that at the time of departure from Makkah, one makes the intention to return there.
It is recommended to send on obligatory pilgrimage someone who does not have the means to perform it himself. It is also recommended to take a loan to proceed to obligatory pilgrimage if one can make the repayment later. It is recommended to make much expense during the pilgrimage.
It is permissible for a person who receives zakaah from the share of the poor to spend it on a recommended pilgrimage.
It is a condition for the performance of an optional pilgrimage by a married woman that she should obtain the consent of her husband. That is also the rule for a woman in iddah arising on a revertible divorce but not for a woman in iddah arising on a final divorce. A widow who is still in iddah of her late husband can perform a pilgrimage without anyone's consent.