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It is recommended to depart to Safaa by the door facing the Black Stone and with peace and solemnity. On reaching there one must look at the Holy Kaaba and concentrate on the corner with the Black Stone, praise Allah and narrate His bounties and then say seven times each Allahu Akber, Al-Hamdulillah and Lailaha ilallah and then say:

(Translation: 'There is no God except Allah, He is One without any partner. All land belongs to Him and all praise is due to Him. He gives life and takes it away; He has always been alive and will never die. All goodness emanates from Him and is powerful over all things.)

Then send blessings on Muhammad and his progeny (a.s.) and say thrice:

(Translation: Allah is Great; He has granted us guidance. All praise is to Allah; He has showered on us bounties. All praise to Allah who is Living and Eternal and all praise is ever due to Him.)

Then say thrice:

(Translation: I bear witness that there is no God except Allah and I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and Messenger. We do not worship anyone except Him, sincere to the religion, however averse may the polytheists be.)

Then say thrice:

(Translation: O Allah, I beseech You for forgiveness, health, and firmness in faith in this world and the Hereafter).

Then say thrice:

(Translation: O Allah, grant us the virtues of this world and the Hereafter and protect us from the fire of Hell.)

Then recite a hundred times each of Allahu Akber, La ilaha illallah, Al-Hamdulillah and Subhanallah and then say:

(Translation: There is no God except Allah, He is only One, He has accomplished His promise, He has helped His servant and singly overpowered the groups (of infidels). All land belongs to Him and all praise is due to Him, Him along. O Allah, bless my death and what happens after it. O Allah, I seek refuge from the darkness and loneliness of the grave. O Allah, grant me shelter under the shade of Your Arsh on the day when there will be no shelter except Yours.)

Then say:

(Translation: I leave my religion, myself and family in the hands of Allah, the Merciful, the Beneficent, who does not let anything deposited with him to be lost. O Allah, keep me steadfast in following Your Book and the practices of Your Prophet and keep me among his followers until my death and save me from dissension.)

Then say thrice Allahu Akbar and repeat the above supplication twice. Then make takbeer and repeat the supplication. If it is not possible to perform all this, one may recite a portion of it. It has been reported from Amiril Mu'mineen (a.s.) that when one climbs the Safaa, one must face the Holy Kaaba, raise one's hands and say

(Translation: O Allah, forgive all my sins whenever I may have committed them and if I repeat them, forgive me again, for You are Forgiving and Merciful. O Allah, deal with me as it befits You and if You would do so, You would have mercy on me. You are free from any need to punish me but I am in need of Your mercy, have mercy on me. O Allah, do not deal with me as I deserve, for if You do so, You will punish me without being unjust to me. I fear Your justice but have no fear of injustice from You. O one who is absolutely Just, have mercy on me.)

It has been reported from Abi Abdullah (a.s.) that if one desires to own much property, one should stay at Safaa longer. It is recommended to perform the Saee by walking in peace and seriousness. When men reach the first minaret they should hasten the pace till the location of the second minaret. There is no such recommendation for women.Then one should continue to walk with peace and seriousness till one arrives at Marwah where one should repeat what was done at Safaa and return from Marwah to Safaa in the same manner. If one is riding, one should hasten the pace between the minarets. One must perform the Saee in earnestness, weeping and supplicating intensely.


  Print || Add a comment || Date : 2014/05/07 || Readers : 6367

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